What is Heart Rot pg.5

figure 9Fig. 9. Photomicrographs of Phyiophthora oospores in diseased coconut husks (A-D) and in pure agar culture (E). A. Spherical Phytophthora oospores. Magnification = 370x. B. Oogomum with long base and a single visible protuberance. C. Typical smooth oogonium with a long base common in host tissue. D. Smooth oogonia with short bases also found in the host. E. Typical oogonium with protuberances and long oogonial base formed in cultures. A thick-walled oospore is contained within the oogooium. Magnification of B to E = 925x.

figure 10Fig. 10. Early symptoms ofPhytoph-thora infection on coconut fruit. Water soaking of the epidermal tissue and darkening of diseased areas, three days after inoculation.

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